Network for Solidarity, Hope & Empowerment Cameroon

Network for Solidarity, Hope & Empowerment Cameroon


Day 14 @ #SAAM2019๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ–Œ

Today we talk of Family Support to Rape Victims/Survivors๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ™†โ€โ™€๏ธ

Rape triggers psychological problems in the medium and long term which lead to physical illness and social problems such as disturbed sexuality: frequent changes of sexual partners, distrust and withdrawal behaviour.

The reactions of others to rape victims is an important aspect of the process and the Affected people feel wrong reactions, quickly misunderstood and attacked.

It is all the more important to deal sympathetically with those affected. It is completely out of place to question victims why they went to the place or why they did not resist. Those affected are given the feeling that they have complicity or are not understood.

These situation is relatively not easy to handle for relatives as well. It is difficult to assess which behaviour is right or wrong. What you say and how you behave will have a great impact on the victim.

Family support is the most that can provide hope and improve the lives of the victim

Below are some practical ways for family members or friends to help rape victims better cope with their ordeal:

โ€ข Encouragement: Encourage the victim to talk about what they experienced, as it is not something to be ashamed of .

โ€ข Acceptance: You have to accept if those affected do not want to talk about it.

โ€ข Understanding: Show understanding and listen attentively and do not be judgmental

โ€ข Avoid any kind of allegations, because the blame lies exclusively with the offender!

Partners and family members of rape victims are often exposed to psychological stress and it is obvious that they need and can seek professional help too.

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